Hi Kenia,
You can check below -
Hey Kenia,
Try SQL queries:
1. Check MetaDataInherit column value using a select statement.
SELECT MetaDataInherit FROM tblContentType
2. If you are getting NULL value for the MetaDataInherit column then set default (0) value using the below query and then try to create block or page.
ALTER TABLE tblContentType
ADD CONSTRAINT DF_tblContentType_MetaDataInherit
DEFAULT 0 FOR MetaDataInherit;
Well the thing is that the MetaDataInherit column has all values set to 0. So if I exclude the new page type the site is loading without problems.
The issue is when creating the new page type. For some reason this column is not being initialized. I don't see where I can do this..
I'm going to try and create a new database and see what happens.
I created a new database, updated schema and exported data. THen the problem was gone.
No idea what caused it in the first place.
Thank you guys for the help!
I'm trying to create a new page type in my CMS 11 project but I just can't. See the error below. I have been testing with a brand new and empty page type and I have even tested with a new block type with the same result. I've never seen this error before so any help will be highly appreciated!!