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formatselect styleselect does not show the paragraph select drop down in CMS 12 TinyMCE editor


The following is the same configs we had for the CMS11 version of the site. 

However, the CMS12 version does not show the Pargraph and StyleSelect drop downs anymore. (formatselect, styleselect) 

Are we missing anything ? 

services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config =>
     string[] toolbar = {
        " table | tablerowprops tablecellprops | tableinsertrowbefore tableinsertrowafter tabledeleterow | tableinsertcolbefore tableinsertcolafter tabledeletecol | tablesplitcells tablemergecells " ,
        " epi-link anchor image editimage media paste searchreplace | fullscreen code | undo redo | outdent indent | btnAccordion codesample" ,
        " bold italic underline removeformat | bullist numlist | formatselect styleselect |  alignleft alignright aligncenter alignjustify" };

             .AddPlugin("table fullscreen anchor code link media epi-link image codesample")
     .BlockFormats("Paragraph=p;Heading 2=h2;Heading 3=h3;")
     .AddSetting("image_advtab", true)
     .AddSetting("image_title", true)
     .AddSetting("image_class_list", new[] {
        new { title = "None", value = "" },
        new { title = "Image zoom", value = "image_zoom" },
        new { title = "Responsive image", value = "img_responsive" },
        new { title = "Float left image", value = "txtarea-left-image" },
        new { title = "Float right image", value = "txtarea-right-image" }
         new { title = "Simple Tip", inline = "span", classes = "simpleTip" },
         new { title = "Quote", inline = "span", classes = "quote" },
         new { title = "Warning message", inline = "span", classes = "warningMsg" },
         new { title = "Note", inline = "span", classes = "note" }
Edited, Nov 27, 2023 12:10

Hello Huzaim,

They have been renamed in later versions of TinyMCE from `formatselect` and `styleselect` to `blocks` and `styles`.

Nov 27, 2023 15:21

A lot of things have changed in the TinyMCe implementation especially if you are going on latest versions.

Examples being creating custom external plugins which I have blogged about here ( or changes to names as mentioned by Mark above. To address the name changes, here is the link on what all have changed

Nov 27, 2023 15:51
Mark Stott - Nov 27, 2023 16:53
Upvoted for great links :)
Dileep D - Nov 27, 2023 17:10
Thanks Mark :)
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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