Assuming you are testing locally, I guess you use tool like Process Explorer to see which processes are accessing which files. You probably catch IIS red handed if it is indeed writing to temp folder :)
I can confirm S&N does not touch the temp folder, at least, not explicitly. It does not even use blob but only the BinaryData of the IContentMedia by implementation of IAttachmentParser. I don't recall the blob storage storing data into temp folder, if it does - only because of the underlying provider implementation.
one possibility though - are you using the Azure blob storage or local? if it's Azure blob storage, it is possible that the provider needs to download the file locally before passing it to Find. just a guess
Maybe this is the wrong forum but the other one seemed "dead". Anyway...
Does anyone know if Optimizely Search & Navigation (Find) use the folder C:\Windows\Temp for some local caching or such?
We've discovered that tmp-files and even EXE-files are written to our local Windows temp-folder. The files appear and then disappear.
However, I managed to catch a couple of TMP-files and it turned out they were actually PDF-documents from one of our external systems. It's really weird, but because they were PDF-files we suspect it has something to do with document indexing.
And yes, we've scanned using antivirus tools but nothing came up.
Appreciate any help!