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Default media type for multiple media types


We have two media types (GenericMedia & Publication) which inherit media data and have a MediaDescriptor to associate the pdf,doc,docx extensions to both. When a user uploads a file via the asset manager its defaulting to publication but I want it to default to generic media

Ive used this blog post as the basis and would appear to do what I want but in my solution base.GetFirstMatching returns null. Any ideas why?


    [ServiceConfiguration(typeof(ContentMediaResolver)) ]
    public class DefaultContentMediaResolver : ContentMediaResolver
        /// <summary>
        /// see
        /// </summary>
        public override Type GetFirstMatching(string extension)
            var selectedAsDefault = base.GetFirstMatching(extension); //always null?
            // For all types inheriting MediaData, I want to use class GenericMedia as default not publication
            if (typeof(MediaData).IsAssignableFrom(selectedAsDefault))
                return typeof(GenericMedia);
            return selectedAsDefault;


        DisplayName = "Publication",
        GUID = "457c2e33-cc01-4653-9958-2726027484dc"]
    [MediaDescriptor(ExtensionString = "pdf,doc,docx")]
    public class Publication : MediaData, ISearchableContent
        public virtual bool ExcludeFromSearch { get; set; }


         DisplayName = "GenericMedia",
         GUID = "47DA9013-68A0-4897-BBE7-C83A1F1A9BFD",
         Description = "Used for generic file types such as Word or PDF documents.")]
    [MediaDescriptor(ExtensionString = "pdf,doc,docx")]
    public class GenericMedia : MediaData, ISearchableContent
         public virtual bool ExcludeFromSearch { get; set; }

Dec 13, 2016 11:31
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