EPiMail: viewing message statistics shows ComponentArt :: Unlicensed version.


Hi, I faced with following problem.

In epimail when I try to see sent mails statistics I see:

ComponentArt TabStrip :: Unlicensed version.

This version is licensed for single application use only.

You can download the free trial version here.
ComponentArt MultiPage :: Unlicensed version.

This version is licensed for single application use only.

You can download the free trial version here.

First of all asked googled about this problem and did not find any satisfying solution.

For now I found only “hacky” solution.

EPiMail uses ComponentArt controls. And base control validates current context.

 According to Reflector EPiServer.Common.ComponentArt.Licensing.Providers.RedistributableLicenseProvider method GetLicense has following:

string str = (string) HttpContext.Current.Application["EPiServerCommon_ComponentArtWebUI_AppKey"];
    if ("This edition of ComponentArt Web.UI is licensed for EPiServer Common application only." == str)
        return new RedistributableLicense(this, "The App");
return null;

So if Application contains required string by specified key then license exception is not thrown.  

I did not find and module that would add this string or any other code doing it.

All I can imaging for this is just adding this manually to global.acax.cs to the Application_Start method:

this.Context.Application.Set("EPiServerCommon_ComponentArtWebUI_AppKey", "This edition of ComponentArt Web.UI is licensed for EPiServer Common application only.");


Does anyone know solution for this?


Thanks in advance


May 11, 2011 17:07
Edited, May 12, 2011 5:24

I am having this problem (raised this question in the EPiServer Mail forum).  I tried the above but to no avail.

Is the AppKey generic or is it specific to our EPiServer CMS website?  Are they any licenses that should come with EPiServer Mail or settings within any of the EPiServer config files?  Or is this just a bug?

Nov 17, 2011 15:21

What is your IIS version?

Nov 17, 2011 15:53


Nov 17, 2011 16:08
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