Hi Kevin
What Search & Nav instance / license do you use? If your local solution is currently using developer demo license, it might be your license was expired. You can obtain a new one from Optimizely Find (
p.s. Developer demo license expired every 30 days
Thanks for the response Vincent.
I have used developer licenses in the past, but the one we have has been in use for maybe 11 months. I'll contact support instead.
As a test, I did register a new developer demo license, and things are working now, so I think it is the correct answer.
Hello all,
Yesterday, out of the blue, I started receiving errors when code that uses Find is called, but only in localhost:
EPiServer.Find.ServiceException: 'Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized). Unauthorized'
The same/similar error is reported in abundance when running the Search & Nav Indexing.
I have rolled back both code and database to try and solve this, but nothing. I realize it's probably something with my local machine, but I don't know what changes would cause this behavior.
Any ideas/help is appreciated!
Thanks, Kevin