On the year containers, you can set to sort children by index instead of publish date etc. Then on each month container you set a sort index.
For the year container:
public override void SetDefaultValues(ContentType contentType)
// First evauluate if this is year container, then set this property
ChildSortOrder = FilterSortOrder.Index;
For month:
public override void SetDefaultValues(ContentType contentType)
int month = GetMonth();
SortIndex = month;
Adjust the month value to sort ascending or descending. Index will always sort by ascending.
Hello fellas!
I have created a automatic map structure for a pagetype called news through a event listner. The structure is based on (Type/year/month/news). However I have problems solving the sorting for the month folders. I want it to be sorted by month (January, February, Mars etc), in the picture you can see the news containers are in the wrong order. I discovered there is built in functions for sorting by created date and alfaphatic order. But I haven't found anything for custom sorting. I have added a field in the NewsContainers for the sort order. Do someone know how to handle custom sorting? Let me know if I need to provide more info.