Content Creation and Update + Headless API


Does Headless API support content management or only delievery. Could someone point me to a resource where I can get more information on this ?

Feb 05, 2021 18:31

Dileep - Yes - I think the following two blogs are very helpful in understanding the thought process and implementation of headless content API 

and of course documentation 

I hope that helps

Edited, Feb 06, 2021 14:37

Thanks for the info but I have been through it and unless I have missed something I didn't see topic where I could update and publish page content via the API. My site is not a SPA and am not looking for on page editing but rather publish content through API.

Please let me know if you find any article which address this topic. I see service api's but seems like they are for commerce and not for CMS though

Feb 10, 2021 18:10

Content Delivery API is primarily delivery only. I say "primarily" because some Commerce-based APIs have been added to allow you to POST/PUT cart and order data.

See here:

For content management, you'll need to do that within Episerver, either using the standard MVC approach, or the more JS framework-friendly way. There's some repositories on GitHub ( that shows off how to use the JS frameworks:

Feb 10, 2021 18:51

My Site is MVC based and I also have the Content delivery API installed in it. Guess there is no content management api option out of box as with content delivery. Thanks for the updates.

Wondering if anyone can point out to something where Content management is being done with API in MVC project.

Feb 10, 2021 19:22

You likely won't find any robust, OOTB solution for Episerver content management via an API. On-page editing within Episerver's editing UI experience is a key value-add.

If you really need to do API-based content management, you'll need to roll your own API and work with the built-in IContentRepository service.

Feb 10, 2021 19:31

I would echo Chris's comment. If you want to create pages via API, you need to write your own API. 

Feb 10, 2021 19:52

Hi Dileep and others, as luck would have it we have a contentn management REST API coming up very shortly. We're refining documentation, and polishing a few details, so should be out within a few weeks.

Feb 12, 2021 7:44
Dileep D - Mar 01, 2021 18:28
This is a great news. Thanks for the update
Dileep D - Apr 29, 2021 3:08
Thank for the update.
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