programmatically this is how you create a Block in content area property (page.MainContentArea)
var block = CreateBlockDataInstance("Your-block-type", migrationConfig);
((IContent)block).Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ImageTitle) ? image.Image.ImageLocalURL : image.ImageTitle;
block.Property["Title"].Value = image.ImageTitle;
block.Property["Image16x9"].Value = GetImageVaultJsonDataFromIdList("Media", new[] { image.Image.StorageImageId ?? 0 });
catch (Exception ex)
_contentRepository.Save((IContent)block, EPiServer.DataAccess.SaveAction.Publish);
return block;
BlockData CreateBlockDataInstance(string BlockType, MigrationConfig migrationConfig)
IContentTypeRepository contentTypeRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentTypeRepository>();
ContentType correctType = contentTypeRepository.Load(BlockType);
return _contentRepository.GetDefault<BlockData>(new ContentReference(migrationConfig.CMSBlockFolder), correctType.ID);
Hi! for all
I have a block that displays a couple of input type text. and I need to add a ContentArea
all code works, the problem is that I have to manually declare the property in / episerver / CMS / Admin / and in the tab "Content type" select "page types" -> "confirmationpage" and manually add my property AdvertisingContentArea
I understand that this should be solved with a migration but I don't know how to create it.
I don't need to migrate a block not a new model page. I need to migrate a new property.
I don't know if I'm doing it right