After deploying upgraded site to production server I can see that all Find searches gives error:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1<Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken> Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.GetEnumerator()'.
at EPiServer.Find.ProjectionHelper.GetFieldValues(SearchRequestBody requestBody, SearchHit`1 searchHit)
at EPiServer.Find.ProjectionHelper.GetMappedSearchResultItem[TResult](SearchRequestBody requestBody, SearchHit`1 searchHit)
at EPiServer.Find.ProjectionHelper.GetMappedResult[TResult](SearchRequestBody requestBody, SearchResults`1 jsonResult)
at EPiServer.Find.SearchExtensions.GetProjectedResult[TResult](ISearch`1 search, SearchContext context)
at EPiServer.Find.SearchExtensions.GetResult[TResult](ISearch`1 search)
at EPiServer.Find.Cms.SearchRequestExtensions.GetPagesResult[TPageData](ITypeSearch`1 search, LanguageSelector languageSelector)
The same code is working fine on local machine and on test server. I have tried re-indexing the site without no effect.
I'm running the latest EPiServer and EPiServer Find version (7.6).
After deploying upgraded site to production server I can see that all Find searches gives error:
The same code is working fine on local machine and on test server. I have tried re-indexing the site without no effect.
I'm running the latest EPiServer and EPiServer Find version (7.6).