I have no idea if this will work, as I have never needed it or tried it, but you might try tracking with "tags" and retrieving them through .StatisticsAutocomplete instead of .GetAutocomplete with the same tag. In your case e.g the SiteId
We are trying to autogenerate the most searched words in the search bar as tabs. The site exists in three languages: Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish. We want the autogenerated tabs to be specific depending on the language. Eg. The most searched words on the Swedish site to be tabs on the Swedish site. The most searched words on the Norwegian site to be tabs on the Norwegian site. Etc.
We currently have the code below:
result = SearchClient.Instance
.StatisticsAutocomplete(query.Length > 0 ? query : " ", count, new[] { ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName })
.Hits.Select(x => x.Query)
However we only get autogenerated tabs on the Swedish site, and not the others.
Using the line below, instead of the StatisticsAutocomplete-line, we are able to generate the tabs. However, the tabs generated are the most searched words overall and not specific for each site.
.GetAutocomplete(query, x => x.Size = count)
Is there anyway to have the tabs be specific for each language?
Thank you in advance.