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Hi Senura,
Have you looked into creating your own filter method:
You could possibly use the following on a complex object:
var searchQuery = client.Search<YouTubeChannelInfo>()
.Filter(x => x.Playlists.MatchContained(
a => a.Key, "Your Playlist Title"));
Have a look at the complex object filtering located here :
I have indexed YouTubeChannelInfo objects which contains many YouTube Channel information.
YouTubeChannelInfo has a Dictionary attribute called 'Playlists' which contains Playlist Title as the key and the ID as the value. Thus there could be many playlists for a given channel.
I have string[] playlists which contains an array of playlist titles and need to filter only the YouTube Channels based on those playlist titles.
I have used
This returns 0 results. How do I filter only the YouTube channels which has at least one playlist title in the string[] playlists ?