I suppose you already read this https://world.episerver.com/documentation/developer-guides/find/NET-Client-API/searching/Multiple-searches-in-one-request/
I will move this to Find forum
Hi Quan,
I know episerver support multiple search but my quesion:
How to combine multiple search request from multiple blocks on a same page in one request at page level
Thao Pham
first of all you have to access all the blocks from the page controller (or wherever you like to have your code). You can find ideas on how to do that here: https://world.episerver.com/forum/developer-forum/Developer-to-developer/Thread-Container/2018/4/how-to-get-block-items-from-a-contentarea-based-on-its-type/
When you have all the blocks with query filters, follow Quan's advise on multiquery.
I have a page contain ten blocks, each block perform one query filter
and i want to combine all query from multiple blocks into one request then perfrom at page level
As i understand, episerver find support multiple search. But i don't know how to combine all requests from multiple blocks when page loading and how to pass result for each block
Please can anyone give me the solution
Thao Pham