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MatchContained with DateTime For Day, Month, Year match


Hi guys using using find 13.2.7 I have trying to match if any passed in dates in a range exist within an indexed collection of date ranges for the index item

E.g I have index on my item with a field

"EventDayRange$$date": [

And I'm trying to write an extension method that allows be to pass a list of dates and check if any of those exist in the list.

I created

        public static ITypeSearch<T> FilterMonths<T>(this ITypeSearch<T> query, List<DateTime> filterDates)
            where T : IContent, IEventContent
            if (filterDates != null && filterDates.Any())
                var dateFilter = SearchClient.Instance.BuildFilter<T>();

                var minDate = filterDates.Min();
                var maxDate = filterDates.Max();

                var daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(maxDate.Year, maxDate.Month);
                var realMaxDate = new DateTime(maxDate.Year, maxDate.Month, daysInMonth, 23, 59, 59);

                var datesInRange = minDate.GetDateRangeFloored(realMaxDate);

                foreach (var dateTime in datesInRange)
                    dateFilter = dateFilter.Or(x => x.EventDayRange.MatchItem(d => d.MatchDay(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day)));

                return query.Filter(dateFilter);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the date range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate">The start date.</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">The end date.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">endDate must be greater than or equal to startDate</exception>
        public static IEnumerable<DateTime> GetDateRangeFloored(this DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            if (endDate < startDate)
                throw new ArgumentException("endDate must be greater than or equal to startDate");

            while (startDate <= endDate)
                yield return new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, startDate.Day, 0, 0,0);
                startDate = startDate.AddDays(1);

But when I run thge query I get an error.

I've been using the match contained for another query which works as it's just a string but there's no matchcontained implementation for a DateTime Day,Month,Year match.

Does anyone good with Find know how to resolve this as I'm a bit rusty with my Find queries.

Jul 21, 2020 10:15

I adapted my approach for this. Firstly I realised I only cared about Month and Year but I still had the same problem. So for anyone else the steps I did were

  1. Changed my indexed date fields to be a strongly typed class field so I could use the MatchContained (As it doesn't seem to work with the collection item for the match).
  2. In my type I index both a DataTime and a representitive string for the date. E.G $"{dateTime.Year}-{dateTime.Month}
  3. Used the MatchContained with my new indexed field as below
        public static ITypeSearch<T> FilterMonths<T>(this ITypeSearch<T> query, List<DateTime> filterDates)
            where T : IContent, IEventContent
            if (filterDates != null && filterDates.Any())
                var dateFilter = SearchClient.Instance.BuildFilter<T>();

                var minDate = filterDates.Min();
                var maxDate = filterDates.Max();

                var datesInRange = minDate.GetDateMonthRangeFloored(maxDate);

                foreach (var dateTime in datesInRange)
                    var stringMatch = $"{dateTime.Year}-{dateTime.Month}";
                    dateFilter = dateFilter.Or(x => x.MonthRange.MatchContained(f => f.Key, stringMatch));

                return query.Filter(dateFilter);

            return query;
Jul 21, 2020 17:07
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