You can try casting the model to a PropertyData object. This is an extract of how we set up the Tiny MCE editor:
public override void ModifyMetadata(EPiServer.Shell.ObjectEditing.ExtendedMetadata metadata, IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes)
base.ModifyMetadata(metadata, attributes);
//Grab property data
var propertyData = metadata.Model as PropertyData;
if(propertyData == null)
{return;}//Always check for null after "as" statement
//Load settings
TinyMCESettings propertySettings = (TinyMCESettings)propertyData.GetSetting(typeof(TinyMCESettings));
In EPiServer 7, you can configure custom editors for your properties, ref:
But what if the drop down list items depends on property settings data?
I'm basically looking for a way to get the settings object (and still use the new ui), similar to this:
I assume this can be fetched from the EditorDescriptor class or the meta data object, but I haven't found a method to use.