Render MetaDescription as a meta tag to layout file


So I want to send my property :

GroupName = Global.GroupNames.MetaData,
Order = 100)]
public virtual string MetaDescription { get; set; }

to my view as a meta tag.. any idea on how to do this? 

I'm a bit confused about this...

Dec 09, 2013 12:25

A common way is to add the MetaDescription to a super class of your page type class.

For example 

public abstract class SitePageBase : PageData
  GroupName = Global.GroupNames.MetaData,
  Order = 100)]
  public virtual string MetaDescription { get; set; }

And in your layout where you have the <head> area, you simply write

<meta name="description" content="@Model.CurrentPage.MetaDescription" />

Or if your model accually is the Page you'll write @Model.MetaDescription


Edited, Dec 09, 2013 12:46
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