Which version of EPiSErver 7 are you running? I think I hade something similiar on 7.0 but that it disapeared in 7.1.
Just found out that this only happens in forms-editing mode. If editing with OPE/PropertyFor it works fine.
I have a pagetype with a local block.
Whenever I edit the page and change any of the fields in the block, I get the following validation error: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: s"
Request data:
URL: /EPiServer/cms/Stores/contentdata/3348_6684
Payload: {"id":"3348_6684","properties":{"media.image":"\"/Global/img10.jpg\""},"publishChanges":false}
Response: {}&&{"successful":false,"savedContentLink":"3348_6684","properties":[{"name":"media","value":null,"successful":false,"validationErrors":"Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: s"}],"validationErrors":[{"source":null,"validationType":0,"severity":3,"propertyName":null,"errorMessage":"Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: s","relatedProperties":[]}]}
This happens only when changing data in the block-property, and not when changing regular properties on the same page.
It's a MVC solution with patch 4 installed. It occurs in all environments, dev, test, prod.
Anyone have any clues on what might be wrong?