My guess is that add-on system decides that your add-on cannot be installed and that's why you don't see it in the UI. However, the same verification should be performed when you install the add-on using manual upload. So it sounds a bit strange if you can install the same packages manualy.
Could you enable the logging with debug level for add-on system and see how the system loads and verifies the packages? Add something like this in EPiServerLogging.config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appender name="outputDebugStringAppender" type="log4net.Appender.OutputDebugStringAppender" >
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="[%thread] %level %logger: %message%n" />
<logger name="EPiServer.Packaging" additivity="false">
<level value="Debug" />
<appender-ref ref="outputDebugStringAppender" />
Here I use DebugView tool, but you can log it to the file.
Sees like I had not verified that the package was installable.
When I fixed the .net45 bug, everything worked as intended.
(earlier I teseted with a package generated manually on my locale machine and not on the build server)
We have several add-on modules developed inhouse. We are currently installing the modules by "manual upload"
These modules are stored in a local NuGetServer, but we are not able to see the packages from EPIServer Add-ons manager
In Web.config I have added:
<episerver.packaging protectedVirtualPath="~/EPiServer/" >
<add name="MyNuGetServer" url="" />
In the nuspc file of the package I have added:
<tags>EPiServerModulePackage MyNuGetServer</tags>
I have used fiddler and EPIServer queries the service and reads the feed from the NuGet server.
My Add-on packages are in that feed.
Anyone knows what I how I can get my packages visible in Add-ons Manager ?