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Allow empty p-tags (or at least p-tags with non-breaking space) in Tiny MCE editor?



If I enter an empty p-tag in the Tiny MCE editor, it gets removed. If I enter a p-tag containing a single non-breaking space entity, it gets removed as well. However, if I enter a p-tag with two non-breaking space entities, it won't get removed.

Is it possible to configure Tiny MCE so that it will accept at least p-tags with a single non-breaking space inside?


Mar 25, 2014 9:31

Hi Marcus, It sounds like you are trying to accomplish a space between two other paragraphs. Why not add some CSS to adjust the padding below the first paragraph instead? E.g. like this:

p.padding {padding-bottom:20px;}

Or even better, you can add this to the Editor.css file to get a selection in the Styles Dropdown in the TinyMCE editor by adding:

EditMenuName: Padding;

Hope this helps!


Mar 25, 2014 10:19

Thank you for the answer, Leif!

However, I'm not trying to alter the design.

I want to be able to write the following in the Tiny MCE Editor:

<p></p> or <p>&nbsp;</p>

Mar 25, 2014 13:36
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