My problem is the exact same as described here: but the suggestions there did not help me. Added the new keys in Windows Registry dit not help.
The site is CMS 5 R2 SP2 (5.2.375.236), upgraded from 4.62. Running on IIS 6.0.
Having some problems with the file manager browse dialog after moving a site to a new server.
A property on the pagetype links to a PDF document in the VPP /upload/ folder.
When browsing to a file the first time, the FileManagerBrowse dialog works fine and the URL to the selected file is stored in the property, but with special characters replaced (e.g. space replaced with %20). If a file with such an URL has already been selected, the next time I try to open the browse dialog, I get an HTTP 500 error: "Request rejected by the HTTP filter".
Removing the %20 ocurrances from the URL stored in the property makes the browse dialog button work again.
Any help on this?