I don't think EPiServer.DataFactory.Instance.CurrentPage actually returns the current page. Try to inherit from EPiServer.TemplatePage instead of System.Web.UI.Page, then you will get a CurrentPage property to work with.
When your request hits page that inherits from `System.Web.UI.Page` it has almost nothing to do with EPiServer context. You have to tell EPiServer that his is your page and it will give you most of the stuff you need. As Erik mentioned - inherit from TemplatePage. Or even better - it's a good practice to create your own base class (let's say TemplatePageBase, that inherits from TemplatePage) and use that. Will give you single place to add custom stuff unique and required for your project pages.
Hi ,
Then it is giving this error.
markup is like this
<form runat="server"> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> </form>
But no master page file is used
If you don't have runat="server" in the head tag, then you can inherit from SimplePage instead. You will not get the Right click menu though.
I am very new to EpiServer and I want to develop a code for accessing property values of a page. I can access that using this code