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Unusual deployment requirements


I am currently planning a migration to EPiServer from an old legacy CMS. My client is security-conscious, and doesn't want their live site connected to the CMS database in any way. I have read some things about the Mirroring feature in EpiServer, but I can't tell if it will provide the exact functionality we need.

99% of the pages in the website are currently exported from the Staging CMS as flat HTML pages, and then copied manually onto the live server. However, there are a small number of pages which need to be exported as proper .aspx pages, as they contain some dynamic functionality, but they still need to be hosted separately to the CMS database.

Does this sound like something EPiServer mirroring could achieve? If not, how should I go about it?!

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Dec 28, 2011 17:32

OK after some investigation it seems that HTML exporting is no longer supported in EPiServer's Mirroring. Instead, you have to create customised mirroring and plug it in using the .NET provider model. Does anybody know where I can find any documentation regarding how to go about actually doing this?

Jan 04, 2012 13:52

Hi David,

Thanks for the response. That document seems to explain how to specify an alternative mirroring provider, but I can't seem to find any information on how to actually create/implement one in such a way that it could be used here.

Bit of a head-scratcher, this one.



Jan 04, 2012 15:19

Hi David

Could you persuade your client to have a read only connection to the database from your web facing server?

You could then have an interanal facing web server with write access for editing.

I know this isn't what you're client realy wants but it might be a suitable compromise.


Jan 04, 2012 15:48

Hi Michael,

They won't go for that unfortunately. It has to be plain HTML pages.

It seems odd that EPS would upgrade Mirroring to v2.0, removing functionality to make it customisable, whilst not providing any documentation on how to achieve similar results as was possible previously!


Jan 04, 2012 18:36

(un)Fortunately I have never had cause to use the Mirroring functionality so don't think I can help.

Sounds like you will have to code up your own custom mirroring provider - if you do end up doing so you should blog /publish it.


Jan 05, 2012 10:24

Thanks anyway.

If I have to do that, I will definitely put it online somewhere. Although it would have to be somewhat altered, as if this client found out I was publishing code used in their solution....

Jan 05, 2012 11:04
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