Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Link status report is actually an MVC page, as opposed to the other ones that are web forms pages. That is the reason the link looks different, and why you can't access /Episerver/CMS/Views/BrokenLinks/Index.aspx directly.
As to why you get a 404 when trying to open the report, that's a bit tricky. It could be some faulty configuration that makes the routing stop working. If you look in web.config, do you have the a shell module called cms registered? It should look something like this:
<protectedModules rootPath="~/episerver/">
<add name="CMS"/>
Although if that is missing, there would be other problems on your site as well...
Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer Development Team
Hi Per
Thanks for replying. Yes, we have a shell module called CMS in the web.config. We have a custom rootPath in our protectedModules node, but apart from that, everything is the same as in your example. That said, our web.config is heavily modified. Have you got any other ideas?
Hmm... well there seems to be something wrong with the routing. Hard to say what though.
The url to the link status report should be /{rootPath}/CMS/BrokenLinks, is that correct?
How about the dashboard and the built in cms gadgets, do they work? They use the same routing system, so that could indicate a problem there.
Hi Per
Your suspicions were correct - the dashboard doesn't work either.
We tried installing a clean version of EpiServer and the dashboard and reports work, so we're assuming it's something we've done somewhere along the way (the dashboard worked when we originally upgraded to CMS6), so we'll just have to sit down at some stage and go through the arduous process of figuring out where we've broken it.
Thanks for you help.
Hi folks
One of our editors recently decided to check the Link Status Report under Reports > Link Status, but it seems to have disappeared. The reports the work are located under CMS/Report/Reports/ where say, the Simple Addresses report is CMS/Report/Reports/SimpleAddresses.aspx. Strangely, the link to the Link Status report is CMS/BrokenLinks, but this directory doesn't exist, and therefore the link returns a 404 error.
Of course, I'm aware of the irony of the broken link report being a broken link. Nevertheless, I found a directory named BrokenLinks under /Episerver/CMS/Views/BrokenLinks, but if I attempt to browse to the Index.aspx file that's in this directory, then I get a null object reference exception.
This problem has existed since we upgraded to CMS6 (at least), and having recently upgraded to CMS6 R2 we hoped that this might fix the problem of the missing report, but alas, it hasn't magically reappeared. Does anyone have a working Link Status Report? Does anyone know why ours might be missing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.