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Export/Import files from VPP



The problem I have to solve is:

Copy all files in VPP folders from one CMS6 site to new system based on CMS6R2. There is couple of thousnds files in there.


Anyone has done it before and could share/recomend some solutions?


Thank you a lot,


Aug 01, 2012 13:59

Enabling web dav on both sites might be quick way to drag and drop the files between the two using windows explorer. 

Aug 01, 2012 14:31

You could use something like this for exporting the files to Windows and then just drap/drop them onto the new installation.

Hope this helps


Aug 01, 2012 18:42

Thank you for suggestions :), I'll give it a try and let you know.



Aug 02, 2012 13:18

I went for Fredrik suggestion and used code block and used DumpaRump class to dump VPP files.

It worked really well


Thank you very much,


Aug 13, 2012 11:20

However this doesn't provide the file summary applied to the files. How do you export with the file summary as well?


Raja Chandran

Apr 24, 2014 17:03
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