Crap! I've lost my Administrator password!
What do I do now?
For some weird reason, on installing EPi 5, all our AD roles have been copied into EPi 5.
How can I avoid this when installing EPi 5?
E.g. I don't want our roles to show up in a customers application.
By default EPi 5 is using Windows authentication. That's probably becuase defaultProvider="WindowsRoleProvider".
Can this be changed _prior_ installing EPi 5 ?
Here's some answers to your questions. There are probably different ways to solve these issues so these are just suggestions.
Crap! I've lost my Administrator password!
What do I do now?
-> Depends on what kind of account you are talking about. If it is a EPiServer database account I suggest that you activate windows login->login with a windows account to admin mode and reset your password for your database account.
For some weird reason, on installing EPi 5, all our AD roles have been copied into EPi 5.
How can I avoid this when installing EPi 5?
E.g. I don't want our roles to show up in a customers application.
->Switch to a sql-provider or put the machine outside of your domain if possible.
By default EPi 5 is using Windows authentication. That's probably becuase defaultProvider="WindowsRoleProvider".
Can this be changed _prior_ installing EPi 5 ?
-> The installation will install a default web.config file so you will have to change this file prior to your first login for a new installation.