MultiplexingProviders and wildcards


You can change the wildcard for membership- and role-providers with the 'ProviderCapabilities' and 'ProviderCapabilitySettings' classes. The default wildcard is '%'.

If I want to use the multiplexing providers with the SqlProviders and ActiveDirectoryProviders, that is the SqlProviders with wildcard '%' and the ActiveDirectoryProviders with wildcard '*', the search will not work.
If the MultiplexingProviders use the default wildcard '%' I will find SqlProvider users and groups when I search but I want find any from the ActiveDirectoryProviders. If I change the MultiplexingProviders wildcard to '*' I will find from the ActiveDirectoryProviders but not from the SqlProviders.

Is there a way to solve this without rebuilding the providers? Is this a bug?


Apr 30, 2009 9:37
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