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Club where I am member



This is probably very easy, but I can't get my club query to work! What I want is to simply get all clubs where a given user is member.

My current, not-working, query looks like this:

// Create a club query
ClubQuery clubQuery = new ClubQuery();

// Initialize criterions
clubQuery.Members = new MembershipCollectionCriterion();
clubQuery.Members.Containing = new MembershipCriterion();
clubQuery.Members.Containing.User = new UserCriterion();
clubQuery.Members.Containing.User.ID = new IntegerCriterion();
clubQuery.Members.Containing.MembershipType = new MembershipTypeCriterion();

// Set values to filter on
clubQuery.Members.Containing.User.ID.Value = ProfileMenuUser.ID;
clubQuery.Members.Containing.MembershipType.Value = MembershipType.Member;

// Add group
CriteriaGroup cg = new CriteriaGroup();
cg.AddCriterion(LogicalOperator.And, clubQuery.Members.Containing.MembershipType);

// Get the filtered clubs
ClubCollection clubs = ClubHandler.GetQueryResult(clubQuery);

All help is _very_ appreciated!


/ jonas 

Jun 04, 2008 13:00

Hi Jonas,

If you leave out the part saying

// Add group
CriteriaGroup cg = new CriteriaGroup();
cg.AddCriterion(LogicalOperator.And, clubQuery.Members.Containing.MembershipType);


it should be enough to give you the result you seek. But also with grouping it returns the correct result according to my tests.

For your convenience there is already a method for this, ClubHandler.GetMyClubs(...), it will also perform better and give you automatic cache invalidation than a dynamically created query would. 


Edited, Jun 04, 2008 16:15

Brilliant! Thanks a lot.


/ jonas 

Jun 04, 2008 16:28
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