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XML: editor & support!

I really miss that! It's a feature most of our clients require. Is there any plan for next releases? BR., Alireza
Jan 22, 2004 14:14
Yes, we are going to add more xml-related features in future releases. Anything particular you have in mind?
Jan 22, 2004 14:57
At the moment we would need an XML editor, like the one you already have for html. The user would be able to edit a document/resource also in XML-view for editing. BR., Alireza
Jan 23, 2004 11:48
I’ve noticed that web content management seem to move from formatting content to managing structured content. For now, EPi just handles structured pages, and not structured content within a page. Structure was the original idea with SGML, which later became HTML. I predict that the market will be ready for structured content quite soon. Now is the time to start developing a XML based editor. The current editor just produces lame HTML, not even XHTML for what I know. For example the new 2.0 guidelines for the Swedish 24-h governmental websites says that you should try to exchange content between websites, so called syndicate materials. Of course, EPi can read from a RSS source. But to make EPi to act as a RSS source, the editor must be able to produce structured content that is clean from html. I know that the current editor is appreciated for is WYSIWYG capabilities. But moving to XML does not mean that we must trough that away. It must be possible to build an editor that handles both the looks and the structure at the same time.
Oct 11, 2004 11:32
Good points about structured content. Just some words about the editor and how it deals with xhtml: The built-in editor (called the DHTML Editor) works solely on the client in the Internet Explorer scripting sandbox. Basically this means that the html document is switched to edit mode and the html editing is handled by IE. Since the editing is done by IE and there is no way to instruct IE on how to format the output, the results are entirely up to IE. And IE prefers plain HTML when editing content. What we have done is that we run the html output from IE thru our html-to-xhtml converter on the server and the results that are saved on the server is pure xhtml, even if you can not see it when viewing the source in IE. The xhtml conversion is done for you automatically when using the xhtml string property in EPiServer.
Oct 11, 2004 13:33
It's great to know that the html at least it is converted to XHTML! I know the DHTML Editor have some limitations that sometimes shine thru, especially in other WCM like OpenCMS. But since just about every web based WCM system utilise the same built in DHTML editor, they all have the same limitations. If Microsoft doesn’t create a better one, you might have a great competitive advantage if you created one by your selves.
Oct 11, 2004 14:31
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