I think you can find the answer here:
I saw this public,but I think, that my configs are correct:
<siteHostMapping> <siteHosts siteId="test"> <add name="*" /> <add name="test.local" /> </siteHosts> </siteHostMapping> <automaticSiteMapping> <add key="/LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT:CPH-DEV-ARUT" siteId="test" /> </automaticSiteMapping>
<sites> <site siteId="test" description="Example Site"> <siteSettings httpCacheability="Public" httpCacheVaryByCustom="path" httpCacheVaryByParams="id,epslanguage" pageFolderVirtualPathProvider="SitePageFiles" pageRootId="1" pageStartId="0" pageValidateTemplate="false" pageWastebasketId="2" globalBlockFolderId="3" siteBlockFolderId="3" uiShowGlobalizationUserInterface="true" urlRebaseKind="ToRootRelative" siteDisplayName="Site Display Name" siteUrl="http://test.local/" uiUrl="~/test/UI/CMS/" utilUrl="~/util/" /> </site> </sites>
Maybe database are stored some settings, which related with this problem?
This looks weird..
Need to set that to a matching startpage id > 0. What the id is depends on database...check on a working environment for that solution and db.
thise is default config file, which was generated with Episerver Deployment Center.
If the problem was in this property, then I had another error message.
Ok but you have an existing site with some content right? Or are you trying to start a project from scratch?
Yes, I have project with content.
I tried create empty site with Episerver Deployment Center and copy all exsisting files to empty site.
Maybe the problem in section "episerver.common
", which I added into web.config.
If you are using a database that contains an existing site with a startpage you need to set that start page id attribute above to the correct id.
As I understood a database intended for Episerver 7.5, because sp "[sp_FxDatabaseVersion]" returns the version "7000".
So updated all dlls in soulution from 7.0 to 7.5
And added section into web.config:
<section name="episerver.common" type="EPiServer.Common.Configuration.EPiServerCommonSection, EPiServer.Common.Configuration" />
I got en error
[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.] EPiServer.Common.Data.QueryFactory.ConfigureNHibernate() +659 EPiServer.Common.Data.QueryFactory..cctor() +50 [TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'EPiServer.Common.Data.QueryFactory' threw an exception.] EPiServer.Common.Data.<>c__DisplayClass3.<Initialize>b__1(Object , EventArgs ) +123
Why Episerver try to configure nhibernate configuration (method ConfigureNHibernate)??? Config file, which I have from working site, doesn't have any nhibernate section.
Hi all!!
I tried to deploy locally old episerver project (version 7.0) and I got a lot of errors.
At first, It was error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". And it is very strange because I have config files from project which is working now.
I found that I need to add next row in web.config
And now I have an error : "There must be at least one site configured for the application to start. "
Does anyone know how to fix this?