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An update to the EPiServer Add-on Store

When we released EPiServer 7.1 a few months back it was the first release that we delivered through the Add-on Store. For many sites the upgrade was smooth, but unfortunately there were some cases where the upgrade didn’t succeed immediately.

Since one of our main goals is to simplify product upgrades and making it easy to manage add-ons we’ve put a lot of effort in investigating the scenarios where the upgrade to 7.1 wasn’t successful and finding solutions to those problems.

Today we’re making new versions of both the Add-on Store and the EPiServer UI available. The releases don’t contain any new functionality, but fixes around the actual upgrade. The update is a two-step process, first you install a new version of the Add-on Store and then you upgrade the UI to the latest version. The upgrade is done completely inside the Add-on Store. When done, the product will have the version number 7.1.2.

This is what the update will look like inside the Add-on Store given that you’re currently on version 7.0:

When you have installed version 7.0.1 you will be able to update to 7.1.2:


The process is the same when you’re on 7.1, with the difference being that you first install version 7.1.1.

To summarize: With this release we’re aiming to make the upgrade processes in the Add-on Store more stable and we have also improved how the updates are presented inside the Add-on Store.

Fixes included in this upgrade

98967 MVC: Not possible to override default ContentArea partial view anymore
99849 Optimizing Block: If session is not enabled the editor needs to be warned 
99850 Optimizing Block: Conversions does not work for MVC pages
99851 Optimizing Block: Preview does not work for MVC sites
89626 Preamble property name is reserved in dojo
97901 TinyMCE: Cannot close Mainbody flyout after click (x) on the dialog
97902 Upgrade to 7.1 get unpredictable result
98481 Upgrade to 7.1 where addon files are readonly fails
98043 Missing permissions in modulesbin will cause an Add-On upgrade to fail half way
99853 [Workflow] Workflow Task dialog cannot be opened for type Ready for Translation
99862 [Workflow] Version status is not automatically changed to Published after page being approved
99865 Optimizing Block - MVC: Server error if publish a page contains Optimizing block
99926 Couldn't publishing block when Content area property is required 


Johan Book
Johan Book Jun 26, 2013 11:18 PM

Nice! Any chance we can have a list of fixes in the new UI release? =)

Jun 27, 2013 02:25 PM

List added to article
[Here's the list of fixed bugs:

98967 MVC: Not possible to override default ContentArea partial view anymore
99849 Optimizing Block: If session is not enabled the editor needs to be warned
99850 Optimizing Block: Conversions does not work for MVC pages
99851 Optimizing Block: Preview does not work for MVC sites
89626 Preamble property name is reserved in dojo
97901 TinyMCE: Cannot close Mainbody flyout after click (x) on the dialog
97902 Upgrade to 7.1 get unpredictable result
98481 Upgrade to 7.1 where addon files are readonly fails
98043 Missing permissions in modulesbin will cause an Add-On upgrade to fail half way
99853 [Workflow] Workflow Task dialog cannot be opened for type Ready for Translation
99862 [Workflow] Version status is not automatically changed to Published after page being approved
99865 Optimizing Block - MVC: Server error if publish a page contains Optimizing block
99926 Couldn't publishing block when Content area property is required]

Jul 10, 2013 10:05 AM

The fix for bugs #98481 and/or #98043: is this solving when the files in the /modulesbin folder are read-only because of TFS' behaviour to make all files read-only until they are Checked out for edit?

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