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Demo Site for Local Governments

If you are building a site for a local government client, take a look at this demonstration site.  The package includes templates which can shorten your development time and reduce your cost to deliver an engaging site to your client.  This open source template package has been developed by IT solutions firm Meridium who has years of experience developing with Microsoft .NET and EPiServer.  Meridium’s expertise has been used in the public and private sectors to bring high-value solutions to their clients, including many Swedish municipalities.


City of Springshield demo site 


The Meridium supplied demo site includes important functionality for local governments including:

  • EPiServer built-in search function
  • Site translation implementated with Google translator
  • Site analytics with Google Analytics
  • Breadcrumb navigation for a simple and clean visitor experience
  • Contact cards, linked and displayed on any page of the site
  • Flexible page header that can be adapted with additional links
  • Editor notification of recently added or changed pages
  • Automatic notification of pages needing review or updating
  • Print friendly pages implemented with CSS
  • A-Z link list to simplify visitor navigation, for pages on and off the site

Check out the local government demo site online or download the package to get a head start on your next site development project.

» Springshield Local Government Demo Site (Partner access required)

Available as Open Source

The local government demo site is released as OPEN SOURCE under the MIT license.

» Download the Local Government Templates


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