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EPiServer 7.5 – update 5

This is the fifth update for the EPiServer platform. The update applies to 7.5 installations, and contains finalized work items as listed below, and is available in the EPiServer NuGet feed. All updates are cumulative meaning that the latest update always include previous updates. All platform updates are supported and we strongly recommend that ongoing projects are kept up to date.

Updating using EPiServer NuGet feeds

  • In Extension Manager in VS, install NuGet Package Manager (if not already done).
  • Add "" as EPiServer NuGet source in Visual Studio.
  • Open your project/solution in Visual Studio.
  • Right-click on References and select Manage NuGet Packages.
  • Select EPiServer and install the desired EPiServer NuGet packages* as listed below.
  • Build your project.

Note that updates in the EPiServer.CommerceManager package should be applied to the Commerce Manager back-end site project, not the front-end website. Refer to Installing EPiServer updates for more information.

Changes included in this update


ID Type Area Title Package Version
109351 Bug \Commerce Publishing a multi- language, not previously published, catalog content does not update the drafts for the other languages  EPiServer.Commerce 7.5.1000
111650 Bug \Commerce High-priority bug in update 4, where the dependencies could get broken after upgrade EPiServer.Commerce 7.5.1000


ID Type Area Title Package Version
107202  Bug \CMS\Deployment Adding Nuget dependencies to an EPiServer site may cause a StructureMap error when xcopy deploying  EPiServer.CMS.Core




ServiceAccessor<HttpContextBase> will blow up if there is no HttpContext.Current EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.5.1002
111585 Bug \CMS\Core Not possible to mock page types in 7.5 EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.5.1002
111462 Bug \CMS\Core Setting cancelAction to true in Loading event will make GetItems skip raising event for subsequent event EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.5.1002

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