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EPiServer 7.5 – update 9

This update is applicable to EPiServer 7.5 projects and is available in the EPiServer NuGet feed for installation. The update contains finalized work items included in the latest iteration. All updates are cumulative meaning that the latest always includes previous updates. All platform updates are supported and we strongly recommend that ongoing projects are kept up to date.

Latest changes

Click on a package to see work item details for each specific package. Refer to the Release Notes for an overview of all the latest changes. See Installing EPiServer updates for information on how to install EPiServer updates using NuGet.

Note that from update 6, EPiServer UI components have been converted to a standard NuGet package. The location of packages have changed and might affect you who is going from the first update to the latest update, refer to Changes to location of package contents when upgrading.


Updated packages


Updated packages


Updated packages

Downloading and updating

Refer to the links below for more information on how to download EPiServer (first-time installation), add the EPiServer NuGet feed and install EPiServer updates to existing solutions.


Andreas Oldeskog
Andreas Oldeskog Mar 14, 2014 04:56 PM

Has the EPiServer.Find package been updated to support these versions?

Mar 14, 2014 05:44 PM

EPiServer Find packages are allowing CMS version up to the next major version i.e. 8.

André Hedberg
André Hedberg Mar 17, 2014 04:13 PM

I receive a script error in edit mode after the installation, please see this thread for more information.

Mar 17, 2014 06:32 PM

Regarding the script error reported by André, see my answer on the forum thread.

Mark A
Mark A Mar 21, 2014 12:51 PM

Same query as Andreas, has the Find package been updated for this release?

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