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EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 is here

The new version of EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 as part of the EPiServer R2 product release is here. This article summarizes the new functionality in this release. There is a new Payment Provider shipped out of the box for DataCash. There are also many other new features targeting different user groups within for instance marketing, customer service and development.



One of the new features in EPiServer CMS 6 R2 is the possibility to personalize content. This means that you can adapt content to different user groups, providing a more personal user experience. EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 comes with its own personalization criteria where you can adapt content based on e-commerce criteria such as shopping behavior.

These are the available Commerce criteria for use within Visitor Groups:

  • Recent Orders
  • Order Frequency
  • Customer Spend
  • Customer Properties
  • Products in Basket or Wish list -  a specific product, product in a specific category, or that product has a property set

CMO Integration

You will also find an integration with the EPiServer CMO module in the shape of a Commerce KPI Configuration Gadget. This gadget allows for new category and product reporting KPIs to be configured. The data for these will then be sent into EPiServer CMO for analyzing.


Rating and Reviews

In this release you will find community functionality allowing shoppers to rate and comment on products. The functionality includes gadgets for approval and abuse moderation, everything conveniently managed from the EPiServer OnlineCenter.





CMS Asset Manager

In this release of EPiServer Commerce, it is possible to manage assets from the EPiServer CMS file manager as well. Using the VPP technique, files and folders are integrated between the Asset Manager in Commerce, and the File Manager in CMS, making it easier to maintain files in one place. 


Product Picker

The product picker, introduced in earlier versions of EPiServer Commerce, is now included by default and has been extended with additional functionality:

  • Sorting and Search when selecting products
  • Select Display Template for the dynamic content display


When working with catalog management and products, you will find a new tab from where you can manage the category relations for a product. From here it is easy to get an overview of the various categories (nodes) to which a product is linked to.


Customer Services

EPiServer Commerce contains a number of new useful features for those working with customer service and order management:

  • Create new orders on behalf of customers
  • Create multiple shipments within orders
  • Edit orders after they have been placed
  • Order notes (incl. system notes)
  • Returns & Exchanges - Create returns authorizations and exchange orders, track and process return items
  • Improved Payment Handling - simplified payment screens when creating payments against orders


In EPiServer Commerce 1 R2, the handling of pick lists and shipping preparation has been enhanced through some new features:

  • Release for picking in multiple pick lists
  • Pick notes for single or multiple shipments
  • Packing notes per shipment
  • Dispatch shipment with capture of tracking code


This new release also contains some enhancements and new features for those working with developing and extending EPiServer Commerce:

  • Improved Installation Process - EPiServer Deployment Center used for all installation, configuration steps done automatically
  • Sample Site - performance improvements
  • Search Provider Model - Lucene.NET is included as the default provider (Solr provided as un-supported module)
  • .NET 4.0 support
  • Extended Workflow - customizable order status process
  • Extended Security Model - permissions for elevated activities

Related Information

Download EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 here


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