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EPiServer Commerce 1 R3 is released!

We have released EPiServer Commerce 1 R3. This is a compatibility release that will support development of EPiServer Commerce solutions on the EPiServer 7 platform and includes a number of improvements listed below.

EPiServer Commerce 1 R2

Compatible with EPiServer 7

  • Full .NET4 support
  • Module system changes
  • Support for new single file license

Improved installation

  • No dependency on SQL Server client tools
  • Improved rollback support
  • Full end-to-end install – Enoteca, providers, Commerce Manager etc.

Core Improvements

  • New Pricing Provider (point of integration), pricing is now separate from catalog information and uses stronger currency types
  • EPiServerScheduler Commerce jobs
  • Commerce Content provider with limited drag & drop
  • Support for standard EPiServer 7 Membership and Role Providers

Improvements to Sample Site - Enoteca

  • EPiServerMail dependency removed
  • Uses new typed pages

This release also includes a number of bug fixes and requires EPiServer 7 CMS. Additional providers and packages will be made available shortly.

More information about the release

Release Notes


Antti Alasvuo
Antti Alasvuo Nov 22, 2012 09:45 AM

Have you noticed that if you create a contact where the name contains ä,ö,å, etc characters those are html encoded in the contacts list (the link text) and also when viewing a contact which is not so nice.

Also the installer when creating the demo site adds some extra connectionstring entries EPiServerDB_sql_test which refers to CommerceLocalRTM127Test database and EPiServerCommon which referes to CommerceLocalRTM127 database and the EPiServerDB refers to CommerceLocalRTM127 database and these databases are not the ones defined in the installation and naturally these don't exist.

Are the user tables going to be unified in the future releases? Meaning now if one creates a user in CMS the user is not available in Commerce and can't be mapped to the existing CMS user so one needs to know to create the users in Commerce if these accounts are desired to have access to CMS and Commerce.

Nov 23, 2012 11:57 AM

Thanks for this feedback, we will raise a bug for the special characters.
The additional connection strings are harmless and will be removed in a future version.
We do plan to consolidate the user/permissions tables in the future. Today it's best to create users through Commerce - the user will exist in both CMS and Commerce interfaces (they share the users table in Commerce).

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