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Incremental Improvements in Find

Today I would like to introduce two updates to EPiServer Find. They’re not big changes, but I think they will bring significant value to our customers.

Long live the developer index

We know that you love using EPiServer Find to build everything from navigation to article listings and full-fledge site search to big data solutions. Therefore we want to make the barrier to start using Find as low as possible. During the last few months I've heard several times that you wished the developer indexes had a longer lifespan. We have listened. Starting from today, all new developer indexes will have 90 days lifespan.

IP restricted index

Security is always top of mind and of great importance for us at EPiServer. Therefore I'm very proud to introduce a new feature that lets you restrict access to an index to a specified IP address. It's of course also possible to add multiple IP addresses or even IP ranges. This will be a great service, especially for customers running EPiServer Find on intranets. As you probably know, EPiServer Find has always had support for running over HTTPS to further secure your solution. To get started, just update your web.config.

If you would like to add an IP restriction on your index, contact our service desk.

Stay tuned for more updates!


Erik Nordin Wahlberg
Erik Nordin Wahlberg Oct 11, 2013 02:55 PM

Great! Would be nice if you could just extend the same index over and over again, but maybe that's is to much to ask for? :)

tost Oct 11, 2013 05:06 PM

@erik - be patient :)

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