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Mogul SEO Launches on Add-On Store

EPiServer and Mogul are happy to announce today that SEO Manager, the search engine optimization for the EPiServer platforms is now available for EPiServer 7 and 7.1 through the Add-On Store.

SEO Manager increases the chances of placing higher in search results, through its positive impact on Google Ranking by increasing the number of pages indexed by Google through automatically tending to the URL structure of an EPiServer site. Porsche Sweden is an excellent example, where SEO manager assisted in doubling its number of indexed pages.

As search engine ranking is of the most important marketing tools available, being prepared for site changes when page names are changed or are moved is important, and SEO Manager is a great tool to assist with that.

SEO Manager is a great tool, whether migrating to a completely new EPiServer site or when rebuilding parts of an existing EPiServer site.

The main features and benefits of SEO Manager are:

  • Makes sure the moved pages can be found and are indexed correctly.
  • Enables renaming of pages without losing links and Google Ranking.
  • Always showing relevant information on 404-page.
  • Automatically shows the correct historical information and pages by remembering the history of the page addresses.
  • Handles multiple friendly addresses per page.

For more information, please select [Add-Ons] in your EPiServer 7 or 7.1 Dashboard, and then click on [Third-Party Add-ons], or contact us at

Comments Sep 5, 2013 11:07 AM

Excuse me,how to create own blog,why I didn't find the link?

barbara frisbie
barbara frisbie May 1, 2014 03:06 PM

Thnx for sharing

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