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New add-ons available in the Add-on Store

Over the past few weeks a lot has happened in the Add-on Store! A bunch of new add-ons have been made available (and more are on their way) and some of the existing ones have been updated with bug fixes and promoted from ‘beta’ stage.

What’s introduced is a bunch of new and updated add-ons in the public feed for EPiServer 7.5.

Google AnalyticsSocial Reach and Publish from Office have been “promoted” and are now in the official feed without a beta tag. Feel free to install and enjoy them already today through the in-product Add-on Store.

A new version of the Self-Optimizing Block is also available with several bug fixes. If you haven’t already tried the self-optimizing block, do so now! It’s a completely new approach to ‘fire and forget’ multi-variant optimization.

An old classic, the Visitor Groups Criteria Pack, that so far only has been available as open source from CodePlex, has now been updated with a nice collection of additional personalization criteria and added to the Add-on Store.

EPiServer Languages (the multi-language gadget), as well as Google Analytics and Social Reach now support EPiServer Commerce to a much greater extent than ever before.

All of this is ready today, so go and get it from within an EPiServer administrative interface near you.

Coming up

In the near future, the following add-ons are coming:

Dynamic Forms is a nice approach to making multi-step forms from any XHTML (Tiny MCE) property will be made available as open source, so you can use it in your implementations and customize it to your needs.

Live Monitor aka good old ‘EPiTrace’ is being finalized in a new HTML5-based version. For those not of the technical persuasion, that means that it can run in pretty much any modern browser and will be very lightweight as opposed to the old Silverlight solution. There’ll also be a couple of really useful and demo-friendly new features available.

Content Collaboration gadget is another add-on almost ready for the beta feed. A neat little tool that lets editors comment on content and chat in real-time with each other – straight from within edit view.


pevi Apr 8, 2014 02:09 PM

EPiTrace... So many people have been asking me about that. Now I can inform them that a more modern version is soon to come. Great!

Apr 17, 2014 12:19 PM

Would love some more info about Dynamic Forms! Is it meant to replace XForms? Jun 5, 2014 12:51 PM

Anything new about Dynamic Forms?

Janne Kuusela Kuusela
Janne Kuusela Kuusela Jan 12, 2015 09:19 AM

Dynamic Forms? Any news?

Leif Boström
Leif Boström Feb 20, 2015 12:53 PM

Any update on when Dynamic Forms will be released?

Mar 4, 2015 12:19 PM

Any info on dynamic forms? :)

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