Allan Thraen
Feb 18, 2013
(0 votes)

We welcome 2 new EMVPs! Go Norway!

I am extremely honored and excited to announce EPiServer Most Valued Professional status being awarded to yet another 2 experts that over a significant amount of time has shown a lot of skill as well as a dedication to the EPiServer Community.

Both are well-known names from the EPiServer blog-o-sphere as well as the EPiServer World forums and Twitter where they both continually share both helpful hints as well as code-snippets for everybody’s benefit.

Without further ado, let me present:

Anders G. Nordby

Anders G. Nordby, Making Waves, Norway

Arild Henrichsen

Arild Henrichsen, Epinova, Norway

Anders and Arild join the ranks of the EMVP program that already consists of Alexander Haneng, Anders Hattestad, Daniel Berg, David Knipe, Deane Barker, Erik Nordin, Frederik Vig, Fredrik Haglund, Joel Abrahamsson, Lee Crowe, Mark Everard, Mathias Kunto, Stefan Forsberg & Ted Nyberg. The observant reader might notice Magnus Rahl missing from that list – that is due to the fact that he is now an EPiServer Employee – and according to the rules can no longer be an EMVP.

If you know somebody that deserves the honor of EMVP status, drop me a mail and the EMVP board will consider them.

Feb 18, 2013


Feb 18, 2013 04:39 PM

Arild och Anders, välkommen till klubben!

Lars Bodahl
Lars Bodahl Feb 18, 2013 09:05 PM

Congratulations!! :)

Arild Henrichsen
Arild Henrichsen Feb 20, 2013 05:43 PM

Thanks! I just received the EMVP Club official rule book.
I understand the 1st rule ("You do not talk about EMVP Club"), but rule 6 ("No shirts, no shoes") and rule 8 ("If this is your first time as an EMVP, you HAVE to fight") confuse me.
Anyhow, honored to be on board!

Feb 20, 2013 10:54 PM

congrats! i can't wait until the "fight" streams live on youtube. i'm expecting red bull stratos traffic to bring it down!!

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