Mobiletech at EPiServerday 2009
Written by Pål Askvik
Friday, 13 March 2009 00:08
The EpiServerdagen 2009 took place outside Stockholm on Tuesday March 10th 2009. More than 1000 visitors came to Kistamässan, and Mobiletech were present with 5 of our people. At our stand we presented our EPiServer plugin, in addition to other mobile services.
We also helped EPiServer with our mobile expertise, and did the following:
Mobile portal
Included the agenda and relevant information. The portal is dual language, both Swedish and English. All Swedish end-users will get Swedish text, while international users will get English text.
SMS services
The introduction speaker came to a point where she mentioned the word 'mobile', and at the same time we hit the button in our systems, resulting in several hundred sms-messages received by the audience simultaneously. This is always quite a powerful experience!
mVote is a powerful tool where the participants may vote by texting an sms to a short code, e.g. MVOTE 10 (1-4), where 10 is the id of the mVote, and 1-4 is the number of alternatives. An example of an sms can be: MVOTE 10 3 to 72311 (Sweden). The results will be displayed on an automatically updated graph, which can be viewed with a normal web browser. The keynote speaker Tim Forrester asked the following question (results in brackets):
Over the next 12 months, how will your company's deployments or usage of Web content management change? Will the number of deployments or usage...?
1. Increase (77,3%)
2. Remain the same (15,3%)
3. Be scaled back (1,7%)
4. Don't know (5,7%)

One interesting quote from one of the sessions:
'Traffic from mobile handsets towards community sites like facebook/twitter/flickr increased by 152% the last 12 months.'
-and with EPiServer focusing on community solutions for normal websites, that area could be an interesting future for the mobile.
Regards from the Stockholm team:
Emanuel Fratini and Espen Askvik (above)
and, Bjørn Gundersen, Anders Holen and Pål Askvik