Mar 11, 2008
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The face of the next web...

Taking part of the MIX08 conference you start to wonder what will happen in the future. The first session I went to after the interesting keynote was actually a great discussion about the future of the web and if we should start talking about WEB 3.0 or not!?

Participating company's in this debate panel was a couple of interesting company's like: Razorfish, Frogdesign etc.

So what did they have to say about this interesting subject!? I'm happy to say that Mike Runhems discussion about the WWI (Warm Web Site Initiative) are exactly what they where talking about. How do you take care of visitors on your site, and how can you use Silverlight and other new technologies to keep the visitor coming back.

Today we see that the most popular sites actually aren't that cool in the way of saying with great design and cool effects, the sites that really make people stay are more simple and deliver exactly what the audience want to have and are often easily to navigate.

The participating companies thought that social media will become more and more popular. And a question to the developers and designers out there was: "how do we find information we didn't know that we were looking for!? And how do we start thinking more about the end user and not only creating cool stuff for people used to Internet and how to use it.

Like the cool application on the Keynote... how many will actually use that application to order their Aston Martin!? The ones that are willing to by one will probably just go to the store...!??

At the end of the discussion they started to talk a about the semantic web and that it will probably be the future but first we have to start designing our web site with more focus on behavior rather than technology like today.

We will probably see more of social network like the ones we see today, and one of Microsoft's goal is actually to focus more on how to create opportunities for us to make community's and connect gadgets to each other. They would like to se the web as a hub that connects all our gadgets and computer creating a large community both private and professional where we can share our knowledge and information to our friends and not needing to have different gadgets with different information about you as a person.

Microsoft actually have an idea of where you actually could use this and it is called Surface and it is really nice ;)


So how about WEB 2.0!? Well the panel thought that we haven't seen the start of WEB 2.0 yet and according to them the main part of 2.0 is to take care of your visitors and there are to much to do in this area to say 2.0 is over. An important aspect of this is to make sites and gagdets more user friendly and social friendly.

Mar 11, 2008


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