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Helen Hopkinson
Mar 31, 2008
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Working with EPiServer CMS every day....

...has its good points, its great points and its not-so-great points! I've recently been very involved in the migration of content from the "old" EPiServer Knowledge Center to the "new" EPiServer World. And I'd be lying if I said that working with EPiServer CMS 5 as an editor every day doesn't make me want to swear out loud sometimes, something I'm sure my colleagues would confirm.

EPiServer CMS is an easy-to-use, intuitive application that makes it easy as pie for Web editors (and anybody else involved with updating a Web site) to add, edit, delete and update information on a Web site. I'm the first one to agree that it really couldn't be easier than it is with EPiServer CMS, and I'm honestly not just saying that because I work at EPiServer.

However....there are also some not-so-great points about the application and I'd like to take just a few moments to dwell on one of these to let my fellow editors know that they are not alone in their occasional editing frustration.

What can possibly have irritated me enough to warrant an entire blog post? Well, it's the "small" things that have got to me over the past few months. I say "small", because they are not a life-or-death bug or feature and do not therefore receive the highest attention from Product Management, and rightly so. One of these "small" things is the bookmark functionality in EPiServer CMS.

To add a bookmark to a page in EPiServer CMS, you place the cursor where you want the bookmark to be entered and either click the Insert Bookmark icon or right-click and select Insert -> Bookmark. Either way opens the Insert Bookmark dialog, where you enter the text that you want to make up your bookmark. But when the Insert Bookmark dialog opens, the cursor isn't automatically placed in the text field where you enter your bookmark. You have to move the cursor with the mouse and click in the Bookmark name field.

Yes, it may seem like a petty thing to all you hard-core developers, but when you have the task of creating at least 10 bookmarks on several hundred Web pages, after the first hundred unnecessary clicks, you get to the stage of wanting to swear out loud, believe me.

So, what am I trying to say with this blog post? To all you EPiServer CMS editors all over the world, whether you're a beginner or advanced EPi user, you're not alone when it comes to occasionally getting irritated by some of the "smaller" issues. Even us editors at EPiServer suffer occasionally, but believe me when I say that I'm fighting for your cause from the inside! Please also feel free to air your frustration about your "small" irritations on the EPiServer User Forum.

Mar 31, 2008


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