November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.

Jeff Wallace
Dec 1, 2011
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Video – Managing Multilingual Content with EPiServer

Based on CMS 6 R2

Back in May of 2011 EPiServer US presented a webinar alongside its partner Experis regarding “Mastering the Globalization Spectrum” with a focus on localization.  The larger webinar was roughly 50 minutes long.  Somewhere near the middle I provided a 10 minute demonstration on managing multilingual content with EPiServer.  I had planned to extract the demonstration snippet and provide it in a video so that others could view the powerful multilingual features available in EPiServer in shorter form.  Sure, it took me a while, but here it is!  Please ignore the beep as someone enters the WebEx (there’s no way they were leaving my amazing demo Winking smile).


For anyone interested in the longer webinar, you can obtain that here.


Dec 01, 2011


Dec 1, 2011 08:47 PM

QuickTime, really?

Petter Klang
Petter Klang Dec 2, 2011 10:47 AM

Was thinking the exact same thing and then I see your comment.. Made me laugh at least =)

Dec 2, 2011 06:51 PM

Considering that Adobe announced abandoning Flash for mobile recently, the basic assumption is that this is another step towards the death of Flash as even Adobe is giving up on supporting what will become the most prevalent means of accessing the internet. So, I wasn't feeling "Flashy". I also wanted to use the basic Rich Media support in TinyMCE so for no other great reason I used QuickTime. I guess it's good for some controversy which always gets peoples attention. :) I've uploaded to YouTube so you can watch it there or watch locally with the Flash player. I hope this will meet your needs.

BTW, I’m glad you guys really like the video. ;)

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