Johan Björnfot
Sep 8, 2014
(8 votes)

Changes in simple address routing

In package EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.13.3 we have solved an issue that causes a slightly different behaviour in how simple addresses are routed. As a background: for “ordinary” content routing we introduced a more strict handling in 7.5 where for example it was not possible to have a language segment specifying one language while the segment it self was on a content instance on another language. Like for example:

http://mysite/en/produkter (where “produkter” is the segment on the swedish version)

In CMS 7 that was possible to route and resulted in the english version of the page. In CMS 7.5 that results in a 404. We also introduced a configuration setting strictLanguageRouting that can be set to false to get the more tolerant behaviour as in CMS 7.

Now we have also changed simple address routing so it is more strict. So given that a page exist in both language "en" and language "sv" and has simple addresses "ensimple" and "svsimple" the following scenarios apply. For those scenarios that differs from previous version a parenthesis is added describing the old behaviour:

No host language mapping, strictLanguageRouting=true

  1. http://sitehost/ensimple => english page

  2. http://sitehost/svsimple => swedish page

  3. http://sitehost/en/ensimple => english page

  4. http://sitehost/sv/svsimple => swedish page

  5. http://sitehost/sv/ensimple => 404 (this gave swedish page in previous version)

No host language mapping, strictLanguageRouting=false

  1. http://sitehost/ensimple => english page

  2. http://sitehost/svsimple => swedish page

  3. http://sitehost/en/ensimple => english page

  4. http://sitehost/sv/svsimple => swedish page

  5. http://sitehost/sv/ensimple => swedish page

Host "sitehost" mapped to language "en", strictLanguageRouting=true

  1. http://sitehost/ensimple => english page

  2. http://sitehost/svsimple => 404 (this gave english page in previous version)

  3. http://sitehost/en/ensimple => 404 (this gave english page in previous version)

  4. http://sitehost/sv/svsimple => swedish page

  5. http://sitehost/sv/ensimple => 404 (this gave swedish page in previous version)

Host "sitehost" mapped to language "en", strictLanguageRouting=false

  1. http://sitehost/ensimple => english page

  2. http://sitehost/svsimple => swedish page

  3. http://sitehost/en/ensimple => english page

  4. http://sitehost/sv/svsimple => swedish page

  5. http://sitehost/sv/ensimple => swedish page

To get the more tolerant behaviour as in previous versions you can either set the strictLanguageRouting attribute (on configuration element applicationSettings) to false. That will however not only affect simple address but also "ordinary" routing so it works as in EPiServer 7. To only affect simple address you could have an initialization module that configures simple address routing to not use strict language routing as the following code:

using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Web.Routing;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace MvcPreview
    public class SimpleAddressModule : IInitializableModule
        public void Initialize(EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine context)
            EPiServer.Global.RoutesRegistered += delegate(object source, RouteRegistrationEventArgs args)
                var simpleAddressRoute = args.Routes.OfType<ContentRoute>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name.Equals("simpleaddress"));
                if (simpleAddressRoute != null)
                    simpleAddressRoute.StrictLanguageRoutingResolver = () => false;

        public void Preload(string[] parameters)

        public void Uninitialize(EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine context)
Sep 08, 2014


K Khan
K Khan Sep 9, 2014 12:56 PM

There are few routing issues for commerce have also been fixed in Commerce 7.11.0
was resulting an error but now its an OK to go. You can find details here

Martin Pickering
Martin Pickering Sep 9, 2014 01:54 PM

An interesting change. I believe that I understand this from an inbound routing viewpoint, but I am left wondering about effects in regard of outbound routing.

For example:

From your "No host language mapping, strictLanguageRouting=true" example above, which of the accepted routes would be published by the outbound url re-writing module? I am assuming that it would be:
1) http://sitehost/ensimple => english page
2) http://sitehost/svsimple => swedish page

Regardless of what the standard/default behaviour actually is, are there ways to configure or otherwise influence the outbound url re-writer to behave differently, i.e. publish the alternative acceptable form instead:
1) http://sitehost/en/ensimple => english page
2) http://sitehost/sv/svsimple => swedish page

Might you be able to offer some insight please? Thanks

Sep 10, 2014 09:11 AM

Regarding outgoing routing. For CMS simple address is not taken into consideration during link generation. Instead will content gets it outgoing link from "ordinary" content route. That is it will get a route that follows the structure like

Antti Alasvuo
Antti Alasvuo Nov 3, 2017 11:39 AM

Old post but what about nowdays (version 10.x =>)? The ContentRoute is depracated and cannot be used.

Similiar implementation can be achieved by using Episerver internal DefaultContentRoute class like this:

EPiServer.Global.RoutesRegistered += delegate (object source, RouteRegistrationEventArgs args)
                // NOTICE: Using Episerver internal implementation of DefaultContentRoute that can change
                var simpleAddrRoute = args.Routes.OfType().FirstOrDefault(cr => string.Compare(cr.Name, "simpleaddress", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) as DefaultContentRoute;

                if (simpleAddrRoute != null)
                    simpleAddrRoute.StrictLanguageRoutingResolver = () => false;

Or should we only use the "strictLanguageRouting" setting in configuration file?

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