K Khan
Dec 5, 2017
(6 votes)

EPiServer support for multilingual web addresses

A Web address is used to point to a resource on the Web such as a Web page. Typically web addresses are expressed using Uniform Resource Identifiers or URIs, but advanced web addresses allow the use of characters from a wide range of scripts as Internationalized Resource Identifiers or IRIs if you are interested to know more about IRIs visit https://www.w3.org/International/articles/idn-and-iri/.

EPiServer allows us to use IRIs as URL segment, By default, while defining the URL segment, a validation module automatically changes the special characters to ASCII. e.g. "ö" will change into "o". This behaviour can be overridden easily be adding an intializeable module https://gist.github.com/khurramkhang/ac990704c01d8c05904f27a09d3bf93c 

References: https://world.episerver.com/documentation/Class-library/?documentId=cms/10/9E585197 

Dec 05, 2017


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