Nov 24, 2008
(1 votes)

Tweaking the Image Editor

Now that we've been running the CMS 5 R2 for a while, I would like to hint about a small configuration option available for the Image Editor which comes with R2.

With the new image editor we've included functions to crop and resize images. By using preset formats it will be easier for editors to resize and crop to most commonly used sizes on the web site. A little nice thing you can do is to configure the preset sizes very easily by modifying the imageEditor section in web.config.

Example of preset sizes in web.config. Note: Each preset can have a name as well. If name is left out the preset name will be "width x height".

       <preset name="4:3 320 * 240" width="320" height="240" />
       <preset name="4:3 800 * 600" width="800" height="600" />
       <preset name="4:3 1280 * 960" width="1280" height="960" />
       <preset name="16:9 320 * 180" width="320" height="180" />
       <preset name="16:9 800 * 450" width="800" height="450" />
       <preset name="16:9 1280 * 720" width="1280" height="720" />

Oh, you can also set (web.config) the size of the window that is hosting the Image editor, have a look at these settings: windowWidth="900" windowHeight="600" in the ImageEditor section.

Another good thing with the Image Editor is that you can separate it to another server in in scenarios where you don't want image operations to burden the live site. But that is another story. Read more about that in this Tech note....

Nov 24, 2008


Simon Simonsson
Simon Simonsson Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM

Or you could just go ahead and buy ImageVault! :) ... but nice tweaks anyway, could come in handy, for projects without ImageVault!

Apr 17, 2017 03:34 PM

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