Jun 15, 2010
(1 votes)

EPiServer Connect for SharePoint 2010

I just wanted to tell you that EPiServer Connect for SharePoint now supports SharePoint 2010.

Download link:

About EPiServer Connect for SharePoint

For those of you who are not familiar with the product, here is a few benefits and features described.



  • Easily allow SharePoint users to publish content to pre-configured EPiServer CMS channels
  • Push both library items as well as list items (News, Calendar items etc)


Image 1: Showing a news item created inside SharePoint 2010 on a standard news item template in EPiServer CMS 6.


Image 2: An announcement in SharePoint 2010 being published to EPiServer CMS.

VPP File Integration

  • Manage files (create, read, update and delete) from within EPiServer CMS which are stored in SharePoint
  • Make SharePoint files and documents instantly available to the web site once they are stored in SharePoint
  • Work with versioning of library items including check-in/check-out features
  • Integrated security allows authenticated users to only consume documents they have permissions to


Image 3: A couple of documents in the “Shared documents” folder in an SharePoint 2010 site being bi-directionally linked to the EPiServer CMS file system.


Image 4: Displaying the “Shared Documents” folder inside the EPiServer CMS File Manager.


Web Parts for SharePoint

  • Display EPiServer CMS content lists and details with the ease of adding Web Parts to your SharePoint site
  • Get a kick start in integrating EPiServer CMS with SharePoint


Image 5: Web Parts for SharePoint rendering basic content from EPiServer CMS.

Jun 15, 2010


Sep 21, 2010 10:33 AM

Great for people wanting to utilize SharePoint 2010 with EPiServer CMS. :)

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