Nov 17, 2010
(0 votes)

Dear EPiServer Community Developers

We love you all very much and really want to be with you. That is why we invited you out on a date on Thursday 9th December in this post. We thought that’s what you wanted as you told us so before on previous dates.

It appears you don’t love us as much as we thought, and that makes us very sad Sad smile.

If you could find it in your heart to make an old dog happy, please come and see us on Thursday 9th December, it will be worthwhile I promise you Smile.

You can RSVP here.



Nov 17, 2010


Eric Nov 17, 2010 04:10 PM

I would like to come but it is almost impossible to remember all my compnaydetails.. why do i have to pay for the event in case i do not come? i can understand some of the arguments but for instance episerver meetup is free and i do not have to have invoicedetails of my company.. just an email.
Just a thought.. :) Nov 17, 2010 04:42 PM

Good points. I'll talk to the boss! Nov 17, 2010 05:19 PM

Your wish is my command Mr Pettersson. Offending items have been removed.

Eric Nov 18, 2010 01:48 PM

Great! as it should be then ;) know I will be there.

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