Aug 9, 2011
(6 votes)

A Preview of EPiServer CMS vNext

On Wednesday 14th September 2011 we will be holding a developer seminar where we will be showing some of the new features planned for EPiServer CMS vNext, or as we call it, Project Falcon.

Project Falcon has many planned features but we would like to show you, and very importantly, get feedback on, the following three:

Typed Page Data

Yes, this is the big one many of you have been waiting for and now it finally looks like it’s on it’s way. PageTypeBuilder has done a fantastic job plugging this hole but we thought it was about time we did it ourselves.

Better Module Management

It seems like there are a thousand ways to obtain and install modules on an EPiServer CMS site at the moment. In Project Falcon we are looking into a new system for packaging, installing and even un-installing modules which will hopefully become the de-facto standard.

New Localization Handling

There are currently several ways to work with localization across the EPiServer product range. Project Falcon plans to  introduce a new unified system.

The Event

The seminar will be held on Wednesday 14th September from 17.30 at our head office in Stockholm. There are 30 places in the audience up for grabs which will be allocated based upon your EPiServer World Community Points ranking. Food and drink will be served.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it or don’t get a place, the event will also be broadcast live over Webex and I am hoping we can also record it for offline viewing.

If you’re interesting in attending then please send an email to Paul Smith stating your name and the EPiServer Partner you work for. The cut-off date for applications is 31st August 2011. After that date, emails will be sent out confirming place allocations.

Update: I don't need an email if you want to participate in the meeting over WebEx. Details of the WebEx event and how you can ask questions will be published on my blog a couple of days before the event.

Aug 09, 2011


Aug 9, 2011 06:05 PM

Hi Paul

We are all eagerly awaiting the EPiServer implementation of TypePageData and are hoping it is as feature rich as PTB, otherwise some of us may be reluctant to move away from it :S

Features I feel it must have (although we are not using them yet as v2.0 of PTB has not been released.

- Property Groups: being able to have composition of properties.
- Property Settings: being able to set property settings through code.

Please refer to Joel's git master for reference


Lee Aug 9, 2011 08:28 PM

No MVC? Aug 9, 2011 09:32 PM

Yes, MVC and other features are planned for this release but will not be the primary subject of this seminar.


Joshua Folkerts
Joshua Folkerts Aug 11, 2011 03:59 PM

Very Nice. Does it have versioning for DDS yet or is that still in the works. Just curious, don't want to rain on anyones parade, just asking

Aug 11, 2011 09:51 PM

Nice. :)

Erik Nordin Wahlberg
Erik Nordin Wahlberg Aug 12, 2011 04:58 PM

Very interesting! Even though Page Type Builder today is amazing and probably one of the best thing that has happend for us EPi-developers I think it's the right way to go with your own implementation.

Aug 14, 2011 06:47 PM

I think it's important to stress that there are many planned new features and awesome new functionality - the 3 items Paul mentions here mentions are just 3 areas where we are currently needing community feedback. Regarding MVC, there's been a closed preview out for quite a while already and valuable feedback has been collected.
Over the next few months, I expect we'll all blog more and more about what you can expect in Falcon.

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