November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.

Shahram Shahinzadeh
Apr 26, 2010
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Mirroring and Monitoring Configurations


This document describes configuration settings around mirroring, monitoring and Mirroring Transfer Provider (MTP).

Mirroring Configuration on CMS

Parameters felt on Mirroring Settings

Parameter's felt is used to pass settings to a custom MTP (Mirroring Transfer Provider).
By default the mirroring server uses EPiServer MTP (EPiServer.MirroringService.MirroringTransferProtocol.WCF.MirroringTransferClient) as a transfer provider.
You can use your own custom implementation of the MTP provider if you add transferprovider=youcstomprovidername and added it in the mirroring web config file, the mirroring server uses this provider to communicate and delivers export packages. 

There is another parameter configuration in the parameter that can be used which is TransferAction. The TransferAction by default is None, but you can change it to ForceCurrentVersion. It means that the same page will be updated on the target site for a new version, by other words there is only one version.

Use default URI and URI on Mirroring Settings

If you select Use default URI option then you have to define a transfer address in the mirroring config file otherwise you have to define an Uri address in mirroring settings.

Continue on error on Mirroring Settings

If the Continue on error option is selected then the Mirroring Server continues to do mirroring even if it is an error on the importing site. When mirroring server starts it sends existing packages. If you do reset channel everything starts from the beginning and existing packages would be deleted in the next mirroring.
If the Continue on error option is NOT selected then the mirroring server interrupts to processing of mirroring as soon as it gets an error, it does not matter if the error is on the export or import side. The Mirroring server always refuses to continue doing mirroring if the error is on export side becuase it is not able to generate export packages.

Configuration on Mirroring Server web config

By default the Mirroring Server uses EPiServer MTP (EPiServer.MirroringService.MirroringTransferProtocol.WCF.MirroringTransferClient type) and it has configuration settings which are worth to mention them.

destinationConnectionStringName = “ConnectionStringName” you can decide which connection string name should be use on the target side if there are more than one.
defaultEndpointName = “endpoint of WCF”.
chunkSize = “number of bytes” with this attribute you can choose how many bytes you will send from client to server (between mirroring source server and mirroring target server). Each export packages be divided to subpackages with size of the chuncksize.
The username and password uses to authentication on the target side if the validateUser attribute sets to true (by default it is true).
The numberOfFilesInPackage and numberOfPagesInPackage defines the number of pages/Files in export package.
The sourcePath and destinationPath defines path of packages on the source and target mirroring side.

Configure same mirroring service to handle many sites

If you will use same mirroring server for multiple sites you can do it by adding mirroringSites element under episervermirroring element.

   1: <episerverMirroring>
   3:   <mirroringSites>
   4:     <add siteId= "siteId1" connectionStringName=“ConnnectionName_1“/>
   5:     <add siteId= ”siteId2” connectionStringName=“ConnectionName_2“/>
   6:   </mirroringSites>
   7: </episerverMirroring>
ConnectionName_1 and ConnectionName_2 should be added to connectionStrings element.


Offline Monitoring Log

If you like to log all state changing in the mirroring server you can do it by setting offlineLoggingEnabled to true and you can choose your custom path also via offlineLogPath attribute.

   1: <mirroringMonitoting offlineLoggingEnabled=”true” offlineLogPath=”Path to offline Log Path”>
Apr 26, 2010


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